Inti Sol Killa Luna

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Quechua Spanish Picture dictionary

Micaela Chirif, Yesenia Montes
Ilustraciones de Amanda Mijangos y Armando Fonseca
Lima, Planeta, 2022

Qari warma, warmi warmahina, intiwan killa, runa simipi chaynallataq kastilla simipipas pusawanchik, huk punchawnintin llimpistin, tusustin, asirikustin, pukllastin ima. Tutayaykuptinñataq qari warma intihina, warmi warma killahina puñuchakunku, chaynallataq musqurillanku.

As a boy and a girl, the sun and the moon invite us to travel across a day in which they paint and dance and laugh and play. Night falls and boy-sun and girl-moon sleep and, of course, they dream.


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